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Kitch'n'Art网上画廊艺术家Margarita Cherepanova

人民书画网  2015-06-24 14:03:18 阅读:

  Margarita Cherepanova(http://www.kitchandart.com/#!ch-home/c1kgs)现为驻莫斯科的插画家。

  Margarita Cherepanova于1989在列宁格勒出生,后在2003年,举家迁往莫斯科。Margarita Cherepanova在考获第一个管理学位之后,曾在多家创意公司(例如,Cardboardia)工作数年。Margarita Cherepanova视画画为嗜好。在23岁那年,Margarita Cherepanova决定改变自己的人生,立志成为一名艺术家。于是,Margarita Cherepanova前往英国艺术与设计高等学院深造。Margarita Cherepanova先完成艺术设计基础课程(2012- 2013年),之后继续进修Victor Melamed的插画课程(2013- 2015年)。Margarita Cherepanova热爱版画、鲜艳的色彩和美术拼贴,也喜欢混合不同的技术与结构。和色彩打交道总是让Margarita Cherepanova感到莫名的兴奋。Margarita Cherepanova是限制性色彩美学的忠实粉丝,所以Margarita Cherepanova通常只选择2或3种颜色来完成自己的每幅作品。值得一提的是,Margarita Cherepanova是一位开朗的艺术家,不习惯太严肃。也许这就是Margarita Cherepanova对居住环境的反应,以及在每年总有一半时间为冬季的地方的生存之道。Margarita Cherepanova在大部分作品中描绘的故事,都是从现实生活中撷取灵感,再加上一点想象力、疯狂的角色和幽默感。所以Margarita Cherepanova常常环顾四周,并常在一些意想不到的地方寻获灵感。


  MARGARITA CHEREPANOVA (http://www.kitchandart.com/#!ch-home/c1kgs)

  Hi! I am Margarita Cherepanova and I am an illustrator currently based in Moscow.

  I was born in Leningrad in 1989 and moved to Moscow with my family in 2003. I got my first degree in management and worked several years for some creative companies (for example, Cardboardia). Drawing I considered a hobby. At the age of 23 I decided to change my life and become an artist. So I went to British Higher School of Art and Design. I did foundation of art and design course (2012-2013) and after I studied illustration on Victor Melamed's course (2013-2015). I am passionate in printmaking, bright colors and collages. I like to mix different techniques and textures. To work with color is a special pleasure for me. I am a big fan of limited color aesthetics, so I accurately choose only 2 or 3 colors for each of my artwork. Also I have to say that I am a cheerful artist and I can't be too serious, maybe this is the reaction to the environment I live in and the way to survive in the country where half of the year you are in living in cold winter. Lots of stories for my artworks I find in real life, than I add some imagination, crazy characters and humor. I always look around and find inspiration in some unexpected places.

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