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Kitch'n'Art网上画廊艺术家Timofei Yarzhombek

人民书画网  2015-06-24 15:04:39 阅读:

Timofei Yarzhombek

  Timofei Yarzhombek(http://www.kitchandart.com/#!ch-home/c1kgs)是当代俄罗斯艺术家兼插画家。

  出生于艺术世家的他没有上大学深造,反而选择到艺术工作室学习,比如弗拉基米尔的“DEZ 5”艺术工作室 。他在17岁那年,接受第一位客户的插画订单。自那时起,他就陆陆续续为杂志、报章、书籍、海报和创作等绘制插画。


  他是Gerby Orly、Hairwash 和Simplefigures等集体项目的创建者。其最著名的作品为Beard Alphabet 和 Terpet’。


  Timofei Yarzhombek (http://www.kitchandart.com/#!ch-home/c1kgs)

  Timofei Yarzhombek is a contemporary Russian artist and illustrator.

  He was born into family of artists. Instead of going to university Tim studied in art-studios such as “DEZ 5” from Vladimir Kireev. His first customer orders for illustration started to come when he was only 17 years old. Since that time he has been constantly illustrating magazines, newspapers, books, posters, created objects, etc.

  Tim had three individual exhibitions. His artworks were purchased by private collectors all over the world.

  He is the creator of group projects: Gerby Orly, Hairwash and Simplefigures. His most famous works are Beard Alphabet and Terpet’.

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