Katerina(!ch-home/c1kgs)是一名艺术家。她的职业走向早在儿童时期已有迹可寻。Katerina在六岁那年就对Herluf Bidstrup和 Jheronimus Bosch留下深刻的印象。虽然那时Katerina总是忙着在纸上绘画地狱的场景,但是Katerina却是一个开朗的小女孩。后来Katerina到艺术学院进修,并考获两张艺术文凭,这是Katerina朝向艺术殿堂的一个非常具体和预定的路径。
Katerina (!ch-home/c1kgs)
Hi. My name is Katerina and I am an artist. My occupation was predetermined from early childhood. At the age of 6 I was impressed by Herluf Bidstrup and Jheronimus Bosch. Myself being a cheerful little girl at that time I was still busy drawing scenes from Hell on paper. Then I studied in Arts school and graduated with 2 diplomas in Arts – it was a very concrete and predetermined path.
I was never afraid of drawing themes that some people might call “forbidden subjects”. But I agree that every topic has its own esthetics. And I am just unable to draw something that might distract people.
I love legends and stories including myths from various nations. The spirits that I draw so often are not evil characters. They are fist of all congestions of power that mankind are afraid of and consider in their deeds.
I am not interested in reflecting the reality as it is. Even that is not an easy task – everyone has its own reality. I want to attract viewer’s attention, create a story inside the dimension. My very own mise-en-scene on paper.
It is fun when everything is different.
Nowadays I mainly cooperate with magazines and children’s books publishing houses, illustrating books. I plan to illustrate my own one day. Full of myths, of course. I also do motion-design and animation works.
I get inspired by unstoppable determination in people. And by those whose eyes are shining of kindness.
Thank you.